• A page about my cats
  • Roller coaster credits page
  • OC world website/NeoCities pages
  • F2U layout akin to my sales page
  • Link buttons
  • Tumblr theme I saw in a dream

  • MAYBE : Basic HTML help page
  • MAYBE : F2U Love Live-inspired NeoCities layouts
  • MAYBE : Public version of my Tumblr theme
  • 5/July/2024
  • 1/January/2024
  • 2/November/2023
  • 8/September/2021
  • 5/September/2021
  • 2/September/2021
  • Dear DIARY... .

    18/February/2025 : fixed broken files on diary page
    4/July/2024 : character development page updated, credits page updated, fonts updated on all website pages
    1/October/2021 : added recommended picrew page
    7/September/2021 : portfolio landing page added, art portfolio page updated, credits page modified
    5/September/2021 : pixel doll page added, credits page updated & modified, diary page modified
    1/September/2021 : character resources page updated, credits page updated
    31/August/2021 : redesigned about page, credits page updated
    29/August/2021 : fixed error with fonts page
    28/August/2021 : fonts page added, credits page updated


    wow i need to update this thing. not in terms of the layouts, just of the content (or maybe i should change some of the layouts idk). i havent updated my portfolio in a hot minute (even though i do have a new tumblr theme up and some drawings) and i never use this diary even though i probably should. its a much smaller audience than something like tumblr ... (also this is the only website i can freely use stupid emoji pixels without being called cringe)

    mental illness (depression/adhd) makes me not draw as much, and when i do draw its nothing special - usually coloured sketches or chibis. i havent done a fully rendered piece in my usual style since august; instead, ive been experimenting in terms of technique if i do render something. ive been in the same place since july in terms of "school or job" and the last semester (autumn semester) i bombed in terms of grades, so im looking for a job. im much happier when im employed than when im in school, and i keep trying to say this, but its a matter of what my family wants sometimes. given the state of things... eh. who knows if ill get a job (i doubt it given my work history & The State of it all) or ill just keep doing bad in school until i graduate with a .0000004 gpa

    ive also been going through my files and finding a bunch of blogskins ive downloaded from the web archive and other websites ... since blogskins has been down for almost 10 years, i have nothing to do with any of these other than hoarding them. i used to convert them to tumblr themes which, again, id just hoard. i dont know if i should make another neocities to host them & the codes as they were, or upload them to pastebin or whatever else ... ill figure it out at some point. i admittedly do the same thing with tumblr theme codes, but sometimes i edit them for personal use (the way i like my themes) and just keep those hoarded instead of the original codes

    speaking of files, i lost a bunch of them thanks to something involving onedrive. to say im mad is both an overstatement and an understatement - i am over it and thankful it wasnt worse (the amount was pretty small), but oh my god do i not trust file hosting cloud services anymore (other than the icloud which is what i use usually). and im not sure how to solve the problem since the cloud is only up to a certain point and i dont know if i have a physical copy of those files anymore ... which tells me i need to invest in more physical file storage. or just never use microsoft again and never switch from windows to mac ever again. we shall see. but given that my computer is turning 5 or 6 this year, im worried im gonna be forced to replace it soon ... planned obsolesence is something i despise with all my heart. but luckily i wont be switching systems so i guess itll be fine? id just rather not spend the money on something thatll be obsolete within a year or two anyways

    ALL OF THAT ASIDE, i do want to do something with my hordes (codes, images, fonts, brushes, etc) because i do think theyre useful for people who build neocities websites. back in the day, that was for tumblr themes, but that seems to be going the way of the dodo with the "mobile only" format being much more common. customization on websites is slowly dying and thats something that makes me very upset. i like to express myself! i like websites with layouts to choose from and communities of users who make them (such as here and tumblr)! being an individual is a pain in the ass nowadays. i have been trying to share the brushes i use in clip studio on tumblr and twitter (the twitter is all but dead because i hate elon musk) but its been very slow going since ive been getting wrist pains from the more complicated process on tumblr. the url is funfuntrunk (same username on twitter) if anyone is interested in having a peek

    that is all for now my oomfies this is much more ramble-y than usual i just started thinking & typing

    EDIT : also i should probably fix the broken files on here since the website they were hosted on is broken ... if i can remember what they are orz
    EDIT 2 : FILES FIXED ! thank you to the soldiers on the web archive who archived this page for whatever reason

    Next Hiatus : ???